I'm really sorry. but my memory is one of those things that got sacrificed thanks to my infections. Have you been seen by a knowledgeable LLMD? He/she would be able to sort out the different infections.
Did you have any blood tests run? By what lab? If so, were any tests run for co-infections?
You can also do some of your own investigation!! In the "
New to Lyme?" thread at the top of the forum, the fourth post down is a list of some co-infections and their most common symptoms.
You can also download a copy of Dr. Joseph Burrascano's (a well respected LLMD & researcher) Advanced Topics on Lyme Disease". I refer to this quite often for information concerning all tick-borne infections, their symptoms, treatments and other info.
Here's the link to download this:
betterhealthguy.com/joomla/images/stories/PDF/lymdxrx2008-october.pdf I do hope this helps some!!