Hi bbcoach,
My first test (over 7 months ago) came back 'indeterminate'....or equivocal.
The doctor I saw at the time (who I thought was Lyme Literate-- not the case as it turned out!) told me this was a negative test result and only showed that I had Lyme at some point in the past.
He was convinced I did not have a current infection even with all my symptoms!
This is what most non-LLMD's will say about this kind of test result and often will not treat. Or if they do, it will be low dose ABX for CDC standard 28-30 days. Not enough IMO !
True in that I did have Lyme--- way back in in the 1980's. I was treated immediately and never got a single symptom until last year. New infection according to my (now) LLMD.
It was really a shame that I got this initial test result and had a doctor that blew it off.......because I had a long road ahead of me due to lack of agressive treatment by non LLMD's who did not believe I had Lyme. Next test came back Negative.
Point being: as Razzle said.....the something is Lyme! Your doctor is smart in taking your equivocal result seriously!