Hi everyone,
In going over Firefly 16's history I started thinking about the breif time when she was "well". Gracie's Mom got me in this train of thought. (thanks) Any way I have read that many of you have taken Plaquenil, but I was wondering if any of you had taken methotrexate. The brief time that Firefly16 was better she took both. They are in a class of drugs called DMARDS- and guess what else is mimocycline and cyclosporine. How many of you have taken these?
Firefly 16 has a new complication called Chiari 1 malformation. Also her spinal pressure is twice what it should be. Since both methotrexate and Plaquenil reduce inflammation I am hoping they will be able to help the spinal pressure. We see the Neuro in Charlotte, July 7, maybe he will think one of these drugs could help.
I hope all is going well with everyone, my prayers go out to all.