I actually had a massage session scheduled for today from motnhs ago - before the Lyme "got me". I just got back and real very relaxed. I think it was Cat111 who alert
ed me that the massge might cause a herx reaction
. After ANY past massge - when I was even feeling 'normal' - it affects me with a little bit of spaciness because, I assume that it releases toxins throughout your body.
he therapist was VERY GOOD and it was the most thorough massage I have ever had done. I have another appointment in 2 weeks or so. When she was massaging me, she zeroed in on a knot I have high of the left side of my back between my shoulders but close to the spine. I have had this a while and the docs always tell be it's just a benign cyst. It does not hurt and is not growing so the docs said there is no reason to take it out - I would say it's abt the size of large marble and is not a lymph node. The massage therapist said she thought it was some sort of "acidic buildup" that can be reduced by moist heat and self-massage of the accupressure point just below my skull in the back (she showed me how to do this!)
Has anyone in the gallery here had such a thing or heard of it? Is is possibly Lyme-related?
BTW - I feel GREAT after the massge though, as Cat111 indicates, it may come to me as a herx later . Thanks all!