I've been on Doxy for 1 1/2 months and Sunday I accidently missed 2 doses in a row! I took my regular doses again yesterday (Sunday) morning. ALL day yesterday I had this burning/cramping/tender/sour like stomach and hurt to the touch! It stayed that way until early this morning (Monday), took another dose of the doxy and then ate my breakfast then the pain started back up again! It's not as intense as yesterdays, but wondering if this could be from the long term use from this particular ABX or from my missed doses on Sunday? I called my dr. who is treating my Lyme and says, no can't be from the doxy. Called my primary and 'they' believe it's from the doxy! I'm confused! My primary doctor also recommended taking tums to see if that helps acid that could be in my stomach? what??? I don't want to take anything yet!