I have frequent urination. I go almost every hour or two. It's not so much that I have to "go" that much, I just get this awful feeling that I can't hold it much longer and the feeling comes out of nowhere. I have some pain sometimes if I don't go at that moment as well. A few years ago I used to be able to hold it all day long in high school.
I've had Lyme for maybe 12 years and I am fairly fully functional. I'm 24 and work a full-time job. I do have chronic fatigue and a lot of joint pain (especially in the winter when it's cold, or when it rains and it's damp out). I have chest pain and back pain that comes and goes. I have neurological symptoms including some memory impairment (oddly I am excellent with numbers and book facts, but my memory for everyday things is noticeably worse than a few years ago). I slur and mix up some of my words when I talk even though I never had a speech problem when I was younger. I also have depression and used to have severe anxiety, but that one isn't as bad as it used to be. I'm sure I'm forgetting some symptoms at the moment (yeah, my memory can be that bad at times. Last night I debated for a while whether I had actually taken my pill while eating dinner since the pill container was sitting right in front of me. I honestly couldn't remember if I did, and I had just gotten done eating. I was also reading while eating, so maybe I can blame it on my lack of attention to what I was actually doing. *Sigh*).
I was diagnosed with Lyme and mycoplasma pneumonia. I've just started oral antibiotics and supplements. I was only diagnosed about
two weeks ago but my symptoms started when I was about
12 so that's the estimated time of infection.
No, another person cannot pass Lyme on to you. I was told never to donate blood because there is a slight possibility of passing some bacteria, however, for those of us with chronic Lyme it is very hard to find in blood tests and usually goes to the brain and joints. It cannot be passed through sex or other close contact.
You can also have tick bites and never know it. They can detach themselves from you and you'd never know.
Post Edited (Alaskah) : 10/28/2011 8:09:06 AM (GMT-6)