The worst of my symptoms slowly shifted over the course of the last few months, having switched from mostly musculoskeletal to nerological stuff. This type of shift isn't uncommon for me, but the neuro stuff is worse than it's ever been. Most of the stuff is familiar and I already know how to live with it, but the things I can't get a handle on this time is the itching and twitching.
It's a whole body thing, with brief little bursts of itchyness or twitches that pop up anywhere. At any given second there's probably 3-4 different places that I feel like I should scratch. The twitches are usually just a second or so (tap.... tap tap), but some of them last hours. I'll get probably a few thousand of the quick ones and maybe an average of 1-2 hours of long term ones in a normal day. I actually started recording some of the odder and more visible ones, because I'm sick of not being able to show my doctors.
The itching doesn't appear to directly respond to antihistamines, though I take them anyways in the off chance that it might still help in some way. This lead me to suspect as it was a neurological cause. I know the twitches are neuro in origin, but am I correct in attributing the itching to the same root cause?
I'm looking for something I can do at home to ease it up a bit. I don't go back to the doc for another week. I've hardly been able to sleep for the past few weeks now, primarily because these two things make it impossible to fall asleep unless I'm collapsing with exhaustion.
I've tried to get more aggressive with the skin brushing and other typical detox stuff, but it doesn't seem to make a dent. I would sleep in a vat of crisco at this point if I thought it would help...