I have to chime in that a POSITIVE ATTITUDE is a huge factor in getting BETTER. I have told my story many times and so I'm not going to tell it again here, but I am so much better -- I feel normal again. If you ask me if I am cured, I have no idea -- and try not to THINK about
it in those terms anymore. I feel good, so that's what I think about
. Please research the "*Law of Attr*ction*" which explains we get what we think about
, whether you believe in it or not. If you want to get well, but keep thinking you won't get well or "this won't work either," that is what you are attracting to yourself. I am definitely NOT saying LD is is anyone's head (myself 4 horrible years undiagnosed and now treating for over 2 years) or that only THINKING about
being well will cure you. Thinking positive thoughts about
being healthy or feeling good or being functional again will attract to you what will help you to get better - maybe not a cure or being 100 percent because this is a real health issue with a real cause behind it. I am a fairly recent convert to this line of thinking and the results in every area of my life are amazing. I had pretty much lost any faith I had because I would pray before every doctor appointment that the doctors and nurses would care enough to figure out what was wrong with me, but yet it was the same thing over and over for four years. I also have no support outside of this forum, which I've discussed here before also. I was p----d off when I first came across this "law" and it was shoved in my face that we attract things we DON'T want into our lives. I thought it was a very strange concept that some goofball "made up" to make money selling their idea, but yet it intrigued me enough to give it a try and keep researching it (there are tons of books on Amazon and elsewhere on this topic). Totally unaware of it, I was one of the most negative people I know! I didn't realize that I was negative; I thought I was just observing what was going on around me and seeing the "truth" in every situation and being realistic. It's a "new" way of life and I am offering this concept out as help to anyone who is
open to a "new" way of thinking (it's a concept that has been around forever, but the majority are unaware of it). It runs your life, whether you know it or believe in it or not. Please don't bash me for my opinion. If you don't agree, just don't comment on it; it's offered as HELP for those willing to be
open to it.
(Note: I used *'s above because I don't want this post to pop up in a Google search...that has happened to me before.)
Post Edited (Tala3) : 12/10/2011 7:45:22 AM (GMT-7)