dear kind lyme disease group members,
since it was the end of the year and we'd met our deductible, i asked my LLND to run every possible test he thought would be helpful while our insurance would cover it. i got my results from the lab but haven't yet spoken with the doc and won't until my appointment next month.
he checked me for mycoplasma (neg), coxsackie (neg), CMV (neg), EBV (pos), HHV6 (pos) & chlamydia pneumoniae (pos). this is on top of metals toxicity and positive lyme & rickettsia igenex results.
just out of curiosity, in your experience(s) what does this all mean with respect to lyme & other biotoxin treatment? i have been doing the yasko methylation protocol and am up to the full doses of supplements, and just started EDTA suppositories last week (delightful), and will have a few IV chelation treatments, but wonder how docs manage the other viral/bacterial exposures and their impact.
i am feeling rather overwhelmed.
thank you in advance for your time.