I'm not sure why doc's are saying Diflucan can treat Lyme - Diflucan (fluconazole) is an anti-fungal. I looked it up on Pubmed and it does say that it can be used to treat meningitis, but what it doesn't say is whether it treats a bacterial meningitis (which is what we can get) or viral meningitis which is more common. I would suspect that it would only treat the viral though, as an anti-bacterial or antibiotic would be needed to treat the bacterial source.
***Let me start this off by saying if you are a person who is against the use of herbs, please don't bother reading this next part. This is intended only for Norsk Hiker and those who are interested in hearing about
how well herbs can work.***
Norsk Hiker,
I'm glad you want to know what all the options are!
I do really hate to argue with doc's, but I'm the exact opposite of what your doc says would happen with herbals alone. Although I do have to say that when I tried using abx for the treatment of Lyme, I got so very ill. I stayed on them for a full year and only got worse - even started having seizures and all of my cognitive function was severely compromised. It was bad. That's why I wanted to try herbals.
I have used the herbal Lyme treatment for a total of 9 months and my Bartonella treatment for 6 months. Although, we aren't sure if I have actually taken it long enough yet. We stopped the Lyme and Bartonella treatments (my symptoms were pretty much under control) so that I could start my Babsesia treatment.
My doc doesn't feel that herxes do anyone any good (I love my doc!
) - so we have been careful to avoid them and I haven't had a bad herx since I started with her, only a few minor ones as far as severity of symptoms go.
As for my improvements -my hubby and my daughter have declared that it's
very impressive the improvements that I have made so far - and I agree!! When I started my Lyme treatment, I was housebound with little to no energy, stamina, or brain function (literally - I couldn't even follow written instructions). I couldn't tolerate temperatures below 72 or above 78 as my body had trouble regulating my body temp. At that point in time I was living with all but 20 of the symptoms in the "Master Symptom List" that can be found in the "New to Lyme?" thread. Now? Well, now the list of
improvements - both major and minor is quite long!!!
I literally went from being 'locked' in my house to living outside practically last summer and fall, getting livestock again and helping to build our barn!!! And it's not just me that has had great progress with herbs and other natural means of healing. I have read many accounts by people who have found that natural protocols have helped them the most.
I have not used the Rife method - the machine is costly and I just can't afford it, but I would sure try it if I could! I have paid attention to those who post in threads about
Rife and have asked enough questions to understand the healing that they are finding as well. It's worth looking into.
As for what herbs I use - please remember that I see a Chinese Medicine Doc, but she is also a Western Herbalist. For my Bartonella, the only herb we used was Houttuynia - the whole leaf not capsules. I used only 3 grams in 3 cups of boiling water, steeped for 10 minutes, split into 3 doses that I drank.
My Lyme treatment was not Chinese Medicine at all. It can be found on this site
www.mistymeadows.org/wendy.htm. Click on the tile that says "Lyme Disease: a Practitioners Experience and Discovery". My doc modified the recipe a bit, but the one I used is the 'Lyme Defense Tea' on page 76. The modifications were just that I didn't do the overnight infusion, I made fresh tea every day using 13 grams of the mixture of herbs (in the amounts given in the recipe) to 4 cups of water, allowed it to steep for 30 minutes and drank 1 cup four times a day.
My Babesia treatment is being done in Chinese medicine, but I'd be happy to share that as well if you are interested.
Don't get me wrong - it hasn't been all roses and happy times. I've struggled from time to time, but my improvements have been so dramatic that it's not hard to keep myself on track once things settle down.
For more info on 'natural' protocols, here is where you can find a list and some info on several -
www.lymediseaseresource.com/Protocols.html I gotta run, I've got an appt with my doc this morning. If you have any questions or need me to clarify anything, please don't hesitate to ask!