The first thread got a little intense...
I agree that people should not promote things to people who are in need of help...Basically, praying on the people who may try anything and all for the love of money. Anyway, glad it is taken care of.
I just wanted to post that I have heard that like any other chemical, hormone, etc.. that if you put too much of it into your system it will shut its own natural production down. Thus, the importance of balancing the amount and the pro's and con's of using it.
I also wanted to say that today I have had terrible neck/shoulder problems. This could be from lifting feed sacks or something...I really do not know. I even thing, that since I had been told I have tendenapothy that maybe the Lev. is bothering me. I do not really know. However, I do think the glutathione helped this past week and I plan to get another one Monday but this week just strictly Glutathione.