Peeper said...
I drove tonight and scared the crap out of myself. Like I say below I am 35 days in on Doxy 100mg 2x/day. I have not seen a Lyme specialists, something is missing, one doctor thinks it is just anxiety. It isn't. It is a sense of off balance, me moving slower than what I am thinking, feeling detached. I had a head CT normal. I think an MRI would see more. This is 6 months of this (since August), started meds in Jan. I have some really good days and then really bad. I feel for you, it feels like an outer body experience and I doubt my once (not so long ago) healthy mind and body! I am looking for an LLMD right now to try to troubleshoot.
Here is my post from another thread:his was my post:
Hi There,
I am told I have acute Lyme by 2 doctors, not LLMDs. This past fall I had 2 episodes, one) a reaction to allergy testing (30 pricks) that led me to the E room for dizziness and two) several reactions to chemicals being used at the Museum I work at. For Both I became dizzy, anxious, could not stand and my right hand went numb for at least 1 episode. (4 since then) Before this not a single symptom.
My Doc said it was toxicity. Blood showed low red blood cell count anemia (iron fine), severe inflammation, low D. Decided to do Lyme test. 2 markers for IMG Jan 2012. 60 days 100mg doxy 2x day.
I am 35 days in to Doxy, the dizziness is somewhat better. I am doubting this is just Lyme. I can't exercise, my stamina is shot and I am getting anxiety attacks that last all day. I am always dizzy or "heavy headed" or heavy neck pain every morning. I take a 1/2 of a .5 lorazopam (bare minimum) to help me take the Doxy. Taking other supplements make me sick, even probiotics.
My Docs are not knowledgeable on secondary infections. Lyme Docs in Mass? Or is this all par for the course.
Is dizzy/equilibrium common to Lymes? or is this something else......
Thanks so Much!
Well, I personally think that it is possible to just be Lymes. But maybe the dr should add in another antibiotic with it or change the antibiotic? And yes, dizziness/lightheadness/loss of balance/etc is all common to Lymes..
There is a lyme's specialist at General Mass in Boston!