I'll try to keep this as short as possible...
I'm a 24 y/o male. My story begins with mononucleosis back in late 2004 (after already having it in 6th grade). Symptoms followed the typical "post-viral fatigue" spiral, with the mono "clearing up" after 6 months or so.
The flu-like feeling subsided, but I barely recovered and have been functioning at an intolerable level for the last 7+ years. Weight loss, throbbing headaches everyday, constant joint and muscle pain, unbearable weakness, severe fatigue, and an arsenal of neurological dysfunctions too long to list. The one thing I know for sure is that my symptoms have been CONSTANT and PROGRESSIVE. Sensitivity to light and sound, intolerance to alcohol/sugar, white matter/lesions on my MRI screenings, sinusitis... you name it.
Anyway, I sought out a LLMD in another state. After my first visit, he started me on Doxy, B12/glutathione injections, Teasel root, Samento, and home oxygen. Here's my "bad" bloodwork BEFORE starting that treatment:
% CD8-/CD57+ Lymphs = 1.9
Abs. CD8-CD57+ Lymphs = 36
WBC = 9.9
IgG, Subclass 1 = 534
IgG, Subclass 4 = 20
Rocky Mtn. Spotted Fever, IgM = 0.82
Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha = 1.2
Complement C3A = 198.6
Complement, Total (CH50) = 36
Lyme Serology, Serum = 0.063
IGM Specific Bands = 41
IGM Non-Specific Bands = (20, 66)
IGG Bands = 41, 58
Here are my numbers after 3 months of treatment:
% CD8-/CD57+ Lymphs = 2.1
Abs. CD8-CD57+ Lymphs = 27
WBC = 4.1
MCHC = 36.3
Lyme Serology, Serum = 0.067
IGM Specific Bands = 41
IGM Non-Specific Bands = (18, 20, 34, 58, 66)
IGG Bands = 41, 58
IGG Non-Specific Bands = (20, 25)
Again, these are just what stuck out to me as significant changes. Just wanted to get your thoughts to make sure this is an accurate Lyme diagnosis before I start IV antibiotics. ANY INTERPRETATION/ADVICE WOULD BE SINCERELY APPRECIATED!