Hi Michelle,
I have also experienced emotional "numbness." In my case, lyme affected my adrenal levels, and this made me so low on energy that I was emotionally numb. At the same time, I still experienced bouts of anxiety. Furthermore, many lyme patients also have heavy metal toxicity, and heavy metals have a substantial impact on emotional well-being. Mercury, in particular, causes people to experience depression and a general attraction to dark/sad things.
A few holistic mental heealth centers are starting to test for and treat heavy metal toxicity before treating people with psychiatric drugs, and they are finding success with this.
Do you have a lot of WiFi, radio/cell towers, wireless smart meters near your home? These also supress the adrenals, mess with the limbic system, and can cause/exacerbate feelings of numbness and anxiety. The more a person is affected by electromagnetics, the more likely it is that they have metal toxicity.
As for myself, metal chelation and adrenal support have improved my emotional situation, as has receiving laser treatment at some accupuncture points.