I officially stopped taking pharm ABX in late January and when onto herbal Byron White stuff which I stopped last week because of Acid Reflux.
Well... I've had a pretty bad back issue going on for about a month and then the last couple of days, noticing my knee hurts. Anyway, yesterday, my entire body was in so much pain that I felt like a 90 year old woman and actually considered taking a pain pill (which I never do). Then, and this really scares me, I woke up at 2am this morning and the tips of my fingers on my right hand were numb. The numbness in the tips is gone, but I still have a tingling feeling in my fingers.
I'm getting really scared that I made a huge mistake going off the ABX because I was doing so well until the acid reflux took over. I'm going to call my doctor today and ask to be put on IV ABX.
One thing that concerns me though is that pain has never really been an issue for me. I have mostly had the tingling/vibrating/random numbness in my feet/face and left leg...
Ugh....I'm having a really bad week!