I have been in treatment for 6 months now. Many of my original symptoms (chest pain, shortness of breath, joint pain, headaches and fatigue) are gone, thenk goodness!!
I had hand tremors and intermittent foot numbness and tingling - these seem to come and go but have actually worsened the last few weeks. My LLMD had added mepron to my ceftin but the symptoms in my feet got so bad they took me off. Am now on ceftin and zithromax.
Am worried about the worsening neuro symptoms. Not sure if it's a herx or if something else is wrong.
LLMD recommended I see a neurologist just to make sure nothing else is wrong but can't get an appt til July
Thank you all for all of your support - there are so few people who understand Lyme so it's nice to know there are people out there who can help out when I have concerns
God Bless :)