Hi there
I don’t have Lyme Disease myself, but a dear friend of
mine does.
He is a 60 year old man who I think was bitten by
ticks (several different times) back around 30-40 years ago while living in
Vermont. He lives in New Jersey now and has not been bitten for a very long time,
but never received treatment for the earlier bites.
Up until this year, he would get a Lyme “attack” every
few months but be able to shake it off himself. He would feel exhausted, dizzy,
cloudy-headed and have very sore joints (knees, wrists, ankles, etc). In about
2-4 days it would be gone and he’d be back to normal again.
However, earlier this year he got an attack and after
a week of not feeling better, he went to the doctor who put him on oral
antibiotics (I don’t know which ones). His symptoms cleared up slowly. The
course was for 2 weeks and by the end, he still didn’t feel 100%, but was ok
enough to get on with his life.
Looking back, he never properly got over that
particular Lyme attack. He had been very stressed several times between then
and now, and each time some vague symptoms would flare up and then die down
again quickly. He felt the Lyme was close under the surface and any stress
would bring it back again.
Just over 2 weeks ago he was seemingly fine. He runs
everyday, is in good physical shape…but then one evening he was so sleepy he
couldn’t stay awake, and he couldn’t focus his mind. That was the last I heard
from him for a week. When he contacted me again, he said he’d been in the
hospital on IV antibiotics for Lyme. It got into his heart muscle this
time. I suspect it had been there for a
very long time, or at least since the last time when the oral antibiotics didn’t
quite work 100%. He came home after that week only because he had no way of
paying for the proper longer term treatment at the time. His family was ordered
by doctors to constantly watch him, do not leave him alone, and that he must
return within 45 days for proper treatment.
So…he has to go back into the hospital very soon for
what he’s calling “prolonged” treatment. I don’t know how long this will be
for. I do know most patients go in initially and then leave and continue very
long term treatment (6 weeks to 2 years). Since it is in his heart, they may
need to keep him in there for longer. Also they may need to keep testing his
levels to make sure the drug combinations they have him on are actually working
before they discharge him.
This is going to cost him $20,000. Is this normal? He
actually had no way of paying for it so had to marry his partner last week so
he could go on her employer’s health insurance. He did not want to do this, but
he had no choice.
Anyway…I just thought I’d post this…I need to talk to
someone about this. I love my friend dearly and am very worried. He says he is
very sick and his health is deteriorating rapidly. I am worried when he does
get treatment back at the hospital they won’t be Lyme experts and he won’t get
the proper urgent help he needs. I have been researching everything I can about
Lyme to try and help him, but another problem is I cannot have any contact with
him now. He is distancing himself from me completely and I feel I have lost him
to this horrible disease. I am also angry because he’s known about the fact he
had Lyme for SO many years, but was always completely resistant to going to get
proper hospital treatment. He didn’t want to be in hospital and on medication
for years. I wish he had done it though…cause now it may be too late for him.
He has told me the doctors think his problems will
always be ongoing, no matter the length or intensity of treatment. This
depresses me greatly. He is very upset by this as well. He feels his hopes for
a happy future life are gone (not just because of the Lyme, but because as I
said above, he’s had to marry someone he did not want to marry so he could have
this required treatment. So now he is tied to this person and living in a house
he did not want to stay in for very long before this latest Lyme attack
happened. Now he cannot leave or he can’t pay for any further treatment. Very
sad situation)
Thank you for listening.