mxmom, I'm sorry to hear about
your health! I also work at a school & am quite worried abut going back to work in a month. Last spring when I was very sick, I had to use up 5 or 6 sick days just to get through the last 6 weeks of the sch. year.
So far this summer I've been ok physically, but my llmd is gradually adding more abx to my treatment to treat Bartonella, so I'm nervous that I'll be sick when school starts back up.
I think most people with Lyme who work(hubby included) just get through it day-by-day. Sometimes he gets thru work & crashes when he comes home. Bills gotta be paid
Try not to stress about it, easier said than done, I know!! You will get through it!
Oh, I tried applying for disability awhile ago--my regular md said that it'd have to be for something else, as Lyme is so easily dismissed. I was immediately denied, & I dropped it, as I knew it wouldn't fly. Thankfully I feel pretty good lately.
Good luck!