My daughter is taking both Samento and Cumanda and Serrapeptase along with associated detox---burber, parsley, pinella, etc. She is up to 30 drops of each/day and we go 12 1/2 days on, then 1 1/2 day off, then increase. In other words, she did 1 drop of each per day, and built up to 10--then stayed there for the 12 1/2 days, then up to 20, etc. She is about
to go up to 40. (This is NOT her entire protocol, btw!).
Anyway, wanted to share our thoughts about it. So far, she is doing quite well. She is up and around and doing better in a lot of ways. We also had positive changes from her time at Hansa--so maybe this is a cumulative thing! She was able to go to Calif alone to visit a friend for 10 days, has had great energy. Still not where she needs to be, but these herbals really seem to be helping a lot without all of the side effects from the year of abx last year!!
Lingering issues are insomnia and pain--going to keep going up, up, up on the drops! I think she may top out at 60??, then will rotate to other herbals as needed.
I have been impressed with the protocol! Of course, she is not on Banderol, but Cumanda. Not sure why, but her protocol is individualized for her.
Hope this helps!!