Hi all,
I am a 29 yr. old male graduate student who has not felt right in almost a year now. Things began last November, and though I have noticed some slight improvement with supplementation, I still do not feel like myself. Let me first list the symptoms I have been experiencing over the past 10 months: (I apologize for the length I am just so frustrated and don't know where to turn.)
1) Extremely fragmented sleep and insomnia/terible sleep quality- At first, I couldn't sleep at all. Now, I am usually able to fall asleep fine but cannot stay asleep for more than 3 hours tops. I wake up constantly. I still dream so I know I am going through the sleep stages but I cannot stay asleep. First my primary dr. treated me for insomnia. I have been put on a variety of sleep meds and none have helped with sleep quality. Also more alert at night than early in the day. And I do not take any presciption sleep meds now just valerian occasionally.
2) Fatigue and low energy- It is often really bad to the point where it affects me getting through the day. I often feel out of it, in a fog, don't think as clearly, problems concentrating, and don't have the energy I used to for whatever reason. Very frustrating to say the least as I exercise and try to stay in good shape. Also I sometimes get fatigued after minimal exertion. This also affects me in school as well; as the poor concentration is a big hindrance.
3) Worsened allergies- I had to get allergy shots from about the age of 14 to 18. Since then, I have taken Claritin and the last several years my seasonal allergies rarely bothered me much. However, this spring and summer my allergies have been the worst since I was a teenager by far. And the Claritin usually has not helped all that much.
4) Digestion problems/changes- All kinds of changes/problems here do not want to get too graphic but notice food in stool and changes in stool. Increase in gas, food intolerance as well with occasional stomach pain and poor digestion overall.
5) Cognitive issues- Again, similar to the fatigue issues listed above. I have a hard time concentrating and get easily distracted, which is a problem I never used to have. It also seems harder for me to process information for whatever reason.
6) Changes with eyes- Increased pressure in head, floaters and spots, occasional blurry vision and teary eyes as well.
7) Joint pain- Neck, back, and foot pain especially.
8)Mood swings- Sometimes real bad, "down in the dumps" more than I ever have been.
9)Low libido/HPA- Sometimes unable to "perform," again something I have never experienced. Also very frequent urination.
- I also have noticed alcohol affects me more in that I will get a bad hangover even if I only have like 2 drinks.
Last winter my primary dr thought I was depressed. Was prescribed lexapro and I didn't really notice much of a difference. I do not subscribe to the depression theory; I have a girlfriend who I am very happy with and this stuff is not going away. Dr. also suspected low testosterone; was sent to an endocrinogolist who said my test was low-normal but not low enough to be treated for low t. I also was given a saliva cortisol test that showed very low cortisol production. For a time I suspected low t or adrenal fatigue and/or candida/liver toxicity?
I became frustrated with my general dr at school last spring so went and saw a doc who sepcializes in hpa disorders (low test, adrenal fatigue, etc) and who treats lyme. He did a bunch of tests on me, including a cd57 and eventually an igenex panel.
Test Results:
CD57 (Labcorp)- 44 L/ul Range: 60-360
The doc said this cd57 result was very worrisome so he ordered an Igenex panel. Igenex results:
IFA- 40-Equivocal
IGM- **31 IND
**41 ++
**83-93 +
IGG- **41 IND (everthing else negative)
My doc ordered this test last April and we recieved the results on April 24th. He felt I tested positive for Lyme. Because I left the area to come home for the summer, he was hesitant to start me on anti-biotics and instead gave me a bryon white formula to take over the summer. I came home with the expectation of trying that and then coming back to school in the fall and resuming treatment with the doctor.
When I brought my test results home, my parents faxed them to my aunt, who works at a hospital in Connecticut that supposedly was one of the first to treat lyme. A doctor there looked at the igenex results, said their lab isn't credible, and not to worry I don't have lyme disease. Based on this info, I tried to go through my summer and see if things got better. They haven't really and I still do not feel like myself.
Where to go from here:
If someone on this board could interpret my test results and symptoms above I really would appreciate it. I do not know who to believe about lyme or where to turn. All I know is I do not feel right. There are also some other things I have thought about too; I have ate a ton of mercury over the years and I wonder if I suffer from mercury toxicity. When I told my general dr about this last winter she kind of laughed off the possibility. Until this past year I have had excellent health and have never been to the hospital much. My experience with our health care industry has been awful and I have very little confidence in healthcare professionals.
I do not ever remember being bit by a tick but I have spent a ton of time in the woods over the years and. I really am curious about the low cd57; what else could cause a low cd57 test? And by my interpretation I am WB positive according to Igenex standards? Is Igenex a reliable lab? I really am just looking for advice from any knowledgeable members on this board. I do not know where to turn next and I am so sick of feeling like this. I really would like to find a doctor in my area who is knowledgable about this disease. I am sorry for being so long winded and thank you to anyone who replies it is sincerely appreciated.