Hi All,
My LLND had me start ABART drops about a week ago. I started with 5 drops 2x per day and increased by 5 drops every other day. OMG....I had such a herx. I seem to have come out of it but I was wondering if anyone else is taking these and what your experience with them have been like.
I tested negative for Bartonella on my Igenex testing, but based on my symptoms, he feels like I have Bart, and I totally agree. I have always felt like my symptoms were very "bartonella" like.
Anyhow, does anyone know if these drops actually KILL the bacteria or if they just up our immune system? I am still battling fatigue today, but feeling better while still increasing. Today is my first day with 20 drops 2x per day...
Also, am plugging away on the Green Vibrance and also started taking Alka Selzter GOLD 2x per day. I read that this is helpful with herxing... We'll see...
Anyone else taking this stuff?