Regarding your comments on your thigh...I have lyme and I have something that may be a little similiar. Here is how I describe what my thigh issues felt like (I say felt because I had it a LOT before treatment but now do not get this feeling much anymore).
Anyhow it is always in my left leg and I felt like my thigh was would hold (and be painful) and then release. This would go on and on for at least an hour. Then, I also get a sensation of pulsating through my left leg. It's like it pulses with my heartbeat or something. This has not gone away and in-fact, it's happening today (I'm still on treatment).
Anyhow, I would say that YES, your symptoms certainly do sound like lyme. I also tested negative through standard lab lyme tests but then tested positive for lyme AND a co-infection through Igenex labs.
Good luck to you and it sounds like you are on the right path in finding out what your mystery illness is!