-Just went to gastro dr. Appt was made sometme back and while sitting there, felt like ti waste to be there
I have been having diarehhea for months, everyday, and it is interfering wiht my daily life
so I guess I was kind of desperate for some clear cut answers, and inside
I am thinking
it has to be all related to the lymes, somehow
he just asked my family history and all, degrees on his wall, but did not seem very helpful to me.
I am so tired of being a medical mystery. Tired of endless blood work.
from now, I am going to work harder on trusting my instincts,
The dr, said the blood work may not show anything anyways,
I dont know what else to do about this situation, I will also ask my llmd dr. next month when I see him
I told the gr dr, that well, I feel like crap. He did say How can you be so overweight and have diarreha everyday
that is what I wanted to know,
I am suprised I am still alive, I throw up also all the time, almost everyday.
i dont know what I am living off of, it is weird.
Dr said I Have swollen lymph nodes, but no infection
I am so tired of this journey and want to get on wiht my life..
I am so tired.... good early nite friends. thanks for your help.