My name is Ryan,age 35 and I am from CT. I have had a terrible time with Lyme, or so I suspect. I am an avid outdoorsman, and spend a great deal of time in the woods camping and hunting, etc. As such, I've pulled several ticks from my skin. I would estimate over 25 in the last 2 years. Anyways, in march of 2012 i woke up one morning sweating terribly and nausous as all get out. As the days past my left shoulder and arm began hurting, and I had an almost constant pressure in my chest. It got so bad I went to the ER twice thinking I had a heart attack.I passed the ekg, blood pressure and all of those tests with flying colors My GP(who ive since replaced) insisted i had acid reflux and panic attacks and put me on Nexium and xanax, for months. He finally refered me to a GI specialist, who did a endoscopy, colonoscopy, and an ultrasound.I still hatd tterrible hearburn, but endo and colon were all good I had a gallbladder stone issue, so it was removed in september.Still hearburn I felt worse after the surgery, arm was going numb again. I went to a walk in clinic, and the dr there mentioned LYME.I never had the blood test, but he gave me doxycycline 100mg twice a day,for 21 days. I felt better on this doxy stuff, but have been off it for a week and am experiancing problems again. My new dr tells me to go to a cardiologist, because one of my issues is the chest pressure, and I feel a pulsating in my abdomen at timest,as well as the numbness in my left arm(mostly in the morning). Panic seems to tbe back as well. Also headaches, tiredness, drymouth, etc. ANy idea on if this is lyme? Terrified.