Well my so called boyfriend broke up with me christmas eve. My son did not make it to see me, as he lives 7 hours away.. so spent christmas alone. I made it but do find myself slipping into that dark hole depression.
First off I do have better days now. I not as sick as before I knew i had lyme.. treatment has made some symptoms go away, some have remained,, other new ones cropping up. ABX are hard on my tummy, so I have dry heaves, acid reflux.. etc..
My boyfriend says he feels all alone, as I never go anywhere with him. Can't plan anything ,, but worse thing he said was I made him miserable. He couldnt sit here and hold my hand 24/7. Just a real rant.. but then to confuse matters he packs up his stuff goes back to his place.. but christmas morning calls and sings HO HO HO Merry Christmas on my answering machine. As I was so mad wouldnt answer the phone.. Then he continues to call and act like all is fine, do I need money? blah blah blah..
I do not think I should have to feel guilty for needing to rest, I know how much energy I have and what to expect to get done. Very hard to feel sexy when you never know when you might poop yourself. ( anyone else have that symptom?)
Well guess this is my life.. alone and sick..