I am 47, in Texas. I came to a "Lyme" diagnosis a convoluted way.
In 2008, I had a panic attack and extreme paranoia. I also developed intense anxiety and chemical sensitivities. My overall health was marginal. Sick feeling all of the time and depressed and lethargic. I began a quest... first I thought I might have candida so I dieted and tried cleanses and supplements, nothing worked. My sinuses were in constant disaray so I finally opted for sinus surgery - no real help. Lost my job in late 2009 and by that time the chemical sensitivities were to the point that I rarely left the house. I was ready to give up....2010 my health was marginal and I stayed in bed most of the time - exhausted. At this time my memory began to fail - short and long - and my concentration was shot. Anxiety was bad. My doctor was trying all variety of anti-depressants with no avail. In 2011, I went to an environmental dr who said the my chemical sensitivies were due to toxic encephalopathy - MCS - and there was not a cure. I had an MRI and EEG supposedly normal so I went on a quest to "detox" from these supposed chemicals. In my research, I came across Glutathione and IVs of it can help. I talked to a compounding pharmacy who told me of a Dr. that they supplied the IV to. I called and made an appointment. She tested me for CD57 and Western Blot. My CD57 was 32 and the WesternBlot negative. She said she ruled out Lyme Disease. Lyme disease was "greek" to me. At that time, I did not know anything about CD57. She only said my immume system was low.
I hooked up with a nutritionist in 2012 to get a Vita C / Glutathione / Alpha Lipoic Acid IV to help with the chemical sensitivities. She ran the CD57 again and it was 33. She is what I now know to call "somewhat" LLMD type. Said it is Lyme. Working with a Dr. she started me on Tinidazole and supplements and the IV. I was concerned that her approach was a "band-aid" not a good attack from research and conversations. I have felt some better with her but just not well. My research said that Tinidazole was not enough...
I met this week and just started with a LLMD in Louisiana, ILADS refer., who began me on Doxycycline 400 mg daily, Ceftin 1000 mg daily and 1000 mg Tinidazole 3 days per week. Based on my symptomology he thinks I have Bartonella too. He looked at the MRI report and it stated demyelization of white matter - "not significant". He said the neurologist did not see that as a Lyme indicator and SHOULD have. I have across the board symptoms but most are neurological. I may have had this for a long time and it surfaces periodically. I was diagnosed biplor in 87 and am really thinking this may have been present back then.... it is just starting to make sense. I may continue thte VitaC detox as I have heard other good things and the current LLMD has no issue.
Any thoughts on this antibiotic protocol? Any thoughts on possibility of Lyme et. al. as cause behind earlier diagnoses?