Good morning all,
I've been getting these small, itchy "bug bites" on and off for about 6-8 months. I hadn't had them for a while, but now I'm getting them again. At first, I thought it might have been my detergent, so I switched to a perfume/dye free variety and they persisted. I checked my dogs for fleas, my bed for bedbugs, and found nothing. Since was during the warmer months, I chalked it up to possibly poison ivy...but now they've come back and I KNOW I'm not getting poison ivy in January in New England!! They are fairly small, and sometimes come in clusters or lines, other times they're spread out in little dots over one area. Sometimes I almost think they're blisters, because they often (but not always) have a "dot" in the middle that looks kind of blister-ish. This time, they started on my left elbow, then some popped up on each knee, and now I've got some on my left forearm.
Could this be lyme-related?? I know there are some crazy, seemingly random symptoms associated with the disease, and I feel like I may have read something about "bug bites" before...
(I feel like such a hypochondriac because I'm so hyper-focused on any new symptom that comes along!)