I have such neuro stuff,
I just reached out to my mom who lives nearby, for her to ask others to help me
She has always been, cold, u are 18, out of the house, kind of thing, well that happened, it was like all chords were cut then, and I should have cut her out of my life then.
But I am a different breed so to speak, I guess that old fashioined, of family is imp, kind of morals...., family sticks togegther...... honor thy parents,
I had no clue of what I was doing, and being dyslexic, special ed, it was tough, but I made it through
and lived my life
until I got so ill.....
she dose not say anything , I gave her a phamphlet on lyme about all my symtoms.
She does not say anything, she justs asks where I am moving too
She works in medical sys.
I cant believe it, she clearly does not care about me
If I was not so sick, I would not have reached out
I don't get it
I am so hurt. My whole life , growing up, stuff, with her has been a lie.
I cant believe someone in medical field does not care about me, a daughter.
If she worked in another field, It would not hurt as much.
there is some breakdown here
I don't get it....
I would think she would have more compassion, or something
I am sad. If I had a child, I would have been helping as much as I can from day one, years ago. I would have healthy boundaries, but I would be caring, and loving, and reaching out to community for help
I am so sad, crying now
I have a serious illness that has affected by brain, my god... and
that I don't mean that much to her....