Hello everybody!
I am pretty new to the lyme world and have tons of questions in my brain..
I am hoping some of you could help ;)
I have been ill for the past 12 years. I have seen many doctors and some have agreed that I have chronic fatigue syndrome. I have never been really comfortable with this diagnosis because I feel I am somewhat different from a typical cfs. I don't have Post exhertional malaise, one of (what seems to be) a hallmark of cfs.
Anyways.. three years ago i had a western blot test done. My results were:
B.Burgdorferi IgG AB WB NEGATIVE
B.Burgdorferi IgG Bands 41Kd
B.burgdorferi IgM AB WB POSITIVE
B.Burgdorferi IgM Bands 41Kd 23Kd
My doctor told me that it "could" be lyme and he decided to test again two weeks later. My results were then:
B.Burgdorferi IgG AB WB NEGATIVE
B.Burgdorferi IgG Bands 18Kd
B.burgdorferi IgM AB WB NEGATIVE
B.Burgdorferi IgM Bands 41Kd
He then told me that I didn't have lyme, that it had been a false positive.
A year later he did the same test and the results were:
B.Burgdorferi IgG AB WB NEGATIVE
B.Burgdorferi IgG Bands No bands found
B.burgdorferi IgM AB WB NEGATIVE
B.Burgdorferi IgM Bands 41Kd
I never thought about
it again since he was so sure I didn't had Lyme.
After three years, my current doctor decided I should take a new test in a lab in Europe called "Infectolabs" and the results were:
Borrelia Burgdorferi Elispot LTT
Borrelia Burgd Fully Antigen +50 (reference <2)
Borrelia OSP_MIX (OSPA/OSPC/DbpA) +35 (reference <2)
Borrelia LFA-1 (+)2 (reference <2)
He is sure I have Lyme and has prescribed long term antibiotics.
This is when I started researching everything about
I have read many critics to this "Infectolabs" test, where they say that it only tests for T-cell response, and that it could be a response to any kind of bacteria, not only borrelia. They say that the results of "Infectolabs" are many times a false positive.
I have gone back to my first Western Blot results, and even though I mostly only have band 41 (the non-specific one) positive, I have also had other bands that seem to be specific to Borrelia (18 and 23) positive.
One of the questions I have is... Why do the bands that came up positive in my first Western blot test, came back negative on the next test preformed only two weeks later? Is it normal that they appear and disappear like that? My first doctor told me it was a false positive, but now, after reading a lot about
lyme.. it seems to me that it can't just happen like that. I mean.. if a band comes up positive once.. doesn't it mean that I have that band in my body?
Then.. my next question is if anybody knows anything about
Infectolabs.. and has been diagnosed with this test.
Do you think I could have Lyme? Do you think it is almost certain? Do you think you can't really tell from the tests?
I am so lost, but also so happy.
So excited about
the possibility of having lyme! After 12 years of not knowing what was wrong in my body.. if it turns out I have Chronic Lyme... I will be closer to treatment, and hopefully to improving!! :)
Thank you in advance for your help! I would really appreciate any answers! :)