I was glad to find this old post. I think I had posted before, that just like
Harley's Dr, my LLMD said that 7-8 out of 10 of his Lyme patients who are not getting well have mold poisoning. I finally got tested thru Real Time and am positive for the Ochs and Tricothecenes. I live in an apt that I have to get out of, but they charge to break the lease so I got an inspector out here. He said that the lab test cannot tell you
when you were poisoned, but he found enough mold in the basement, he felt it would serve my purpose. We found my furnace down there and the out vent is completely black w/ filth and mold. He photoed pipes and vents covered in mold.
Now this was just a $200 'survey'. He brought his mold sniffing dog who did not detect any mold in my walls, closets, under carpet, etc in the apt. He did not test the air, stating that would be expensive and he believed his report would serve my purpose, along w/ my lab work. His report states that 30% of my air is carrying the mold spores and they are being re-circulated thru the vents back into my apt.
I was not well when I moved in here in the first place -- that was Sept 2012. But I have definitely been much sicker. Moved into a studio and cannot even manage taking care of this simple place. I am sick every weekend and have noticed that I often (not always) feel better if I can drag myself to work.
With mold illness, would that be the case? Would I be able to feel the difference in places if I'm really sick w/ mold? I am betting that I was exposed/infected before this apt, but this one has made it worse. My dog got sick and died from kidney failure and in an article about the Tricoths read that renal poisoning can be caused by this. Am wondering if it could be that bad here?
Heavens! The article I read discussed the Tricoths as being used and considered in biological warfare!
Anyway, I do not see my Dr. til April 5. Meantime he's had me start on activated charcoal til I get in there. It's difficult to time that around other meds because it absorbs stuff. Been on it a week and feel no better, possibly worse. What's anyone's opinion on this?
Those who might remember me from way back, couple yrs ago, know that I was not that sick. MENTALLY, I was/ am extremely sick, but not this physically ill. There is not one single day that it doesn't take everything within me to get out of bed. And sometimes I don't. I have been so ill I have started back on Mepron for Babs w/o knowing that this infection is still active or not.
Harley or anyone -- would you recommend that I call my Dr and request the anti-fungal before my next appt? (betting he won't). Do you know anyone who has benefited from charcoal?
I am hoping to move to NC soon, but have no idea how I will accomplish this as ill as I am.
Again, if I am being poisoned in this apartment, would (some of) my symptoms really come and go as I come and go from my home? Is this total body pain due to mycotoxins?
And possibly more importantly, which do you think came first, the Lyme or the mycotoxins? Was it mycotoxin poisoning that caused us to suffer chronic Lyme?