Hi Justme,
I was on abx (following ILADS recommendations) for 5,5 months, but had to stop for now cause I can't handle herxing (can't detox the way I'm supposed to + herxed all of the 5,5 months). I had an extreme inflammatory reaction (was getting dangerous dr said) and am trying to get that down now.
I don't think I have vitamin issues, but I have lots and lots of severe food allergies and intolerances (which makes it difficult or sometimes impossible to take certain herbs, like turmeric and boswellia make me really sick), severe chemical sensitivities too. I started eating gluten free 3 weeks ago, although I have no intolerance, but because it's recommended with Lyme (was difficult cause there's not much left for me to eat).
I'm on Buhner's now, not full dosage, if I increase dosage I start herxing bad again. My dr is hesitant about this for now (but he's planning to cooperate with a herbal specialist) - he could loose his license over this, although he's prescribing lots of natural supplements. But I'm doing this one on my own responsability.
I have heavy metal poisoning - the test results were shocking to me. Mercury (84 !!! times the acceptable range upper limit), tin, nickel, cadmium, lead, copper (17 times the max limit), manganese were going through the roof.
I already got treated for GERD, gastritis, IBS and leaky gut - I got treated to bring down high nagalase levels, I'm XMRV positive.
I'm seeing what you could call an LLMD (I'm in Belgium), but these TBD's are really 'new' here. He's an internist/cardiologist who made it his life's work to treat people with CFS and fibromyalgia (sees this as symptoms, not diseases, and looks for the cause of them): always examining, testing, trying to negotiate with government, going to seminars all over the world, 60% of his patients are testing positive for TBD's...
I'm definitely facing an onion too... lol
Thank you