I don't see bartonella mentioned in your co-infections panel - it is a very common one.
We are Canadian aso (Southern Ontario), but ran the tests through Igenex. Our LLMD in NY suggested the following: Lyme IgM western blot, Lyme IgG western blot, CD57, Babesia microti IFA (G/M), Babesia FISH (RNA), HME Panel (monocytic), HGE Panel (granulocytic), B. henselae IFA (G/M).
When you receive your western blot results, don't just look at the Igenex/CDC results posted at the top of the report. Our daughter was negative for both lyme IgG and IgM according to both Igenex and CDC. Look at each reported band. Some of them are specific for borrelia only, and do not cross-react with other bacterial/viral infections. If any of these bands show reaction (even IND - indeterminate - which shows low level reaction), infection with borrelia (lyme) is present, just not at the blaring level required for a positive result. Lyme and the coinfections are very efficient at down-regulating the immune system, thus resulting in very low level immune responses.