bdoc and Sapphire4, thank you for your follow-up messages. Sorry for the delay in replying on my end; I didn't realize you had replied.
bdoc, yes, I'm seeing Dr. J in DC. Thanks for very much sharing more about
your experience with treatment. I'd definitely like to continue to compare notes as I really embark on treatment. I start on my antibiotics this Monday (deep breath). Dr. J put me on very low dose Lyrica (25mg 2x/day), so I've ramped up on that over the last two weeks (and have adjusted pretty well so far).
Sapphire4, I really appreciate your thinking about
me and checking in. I definitely need the support. As I mentioned above, I just started very low dose of Lyrica, which the doctor said should help support me through some of the more painful times during treatment. (I've already been diagnosed with fibromyalgia; no surprise that this all fits together.) I'm also on midodrine for low blood pressure (specifically neurially-mediated hypotension, another piece of the puzzle, though it also runs in my family).
I've also begun taking a slew of supplements (including probiotics) that the doctor recommended to help support my immune system. I'll post them soon so that others can benefit from this information. The doctor recommended those as well as a bunch of natural detox materials/methods (epsom, skin brushing, decaf green tea, gluten free diet - which I have already been on for over a year, and hydrogen peroxide, etc)'s reassuring that the doctor takes such a holistic approach to try to support immune system recovery.
As for treatment, I've decided to start the three antibiotics on Monday as directed, and it's intimidating; it goes against my usual approach, but I'm pretty pissed off at this bacteria and am ready to wage war on it while trying my best to support the rest of my health. Just getting stocked up on supplements and detox supplies helps me feel better prepared, physically and mentally. I bought the generics of all three drugs - minocin (monocycline by Watson Labs), generic Bactrim DS/Septra DS (SMZ-TMP 800/160 by Amneal), and omnicef (cefdinir by Lupin), so hopefully they will be good quality. (I confirmed that they're all gluten-free, but let me know if you've heard differently!)
My specific treatment plan is MWF:
Omnicef/cefdinir - 600 mg 2xday (1200 mg/day)
Mino - 100 mg 2xday (200 mg/day)
Bactrim/SMZ-TMP - 1.5 tablets 2xday (2400 mg/day? wow that seems like a lot.)
I'll do that for two weeks and add Flagyl on Th and Fri of the second week (1 2xday), then take off the third week. (Moderators: not sure if it's okay to post my regimen here, so I understand if you need to edit this post. I understand that this is a treatment plan designed just for me by my doctor based on his assessment of my situation.)
I'll write and let you know how next week goes, and I'd love to hear any more guidance you have. You can probably tell from this post that I'm getting organized to try to compensate for the unpredictability of treatment...emotionally I've been making progress with cultivating patience in advance of the challenges ahead.
These are pretty short courses of antibiotics, but the doctor said that it should take 12-15 months, so we'll see what's next. Any thoughts? I'm expecting the Flagyl to be bad, but the others are unknowns. I'm also hoping that the two recent rounds of amoxicillin helped stabilize things a bit, as I did experience detox and then a more refreshed feeling (though you'll probably point out that this signals that the bacteria have moved to cyst form...)
Post Edited (yelloworange) : 6/16/2013 6:13:45 PM (GMT-6)