The best way to answer that is to copy and paste a part of an article from Prof. Garth Nicholson, from the Townsend Letter dated April of 2007 - crud!! Now the link won't work!! ACK!!
Okay, so you will have to go here: Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Under the heading "Reports", you will see the third link down, titled " Diagnosis and therapy of chronic systemic co-infections in Lyme Disease and other tick-borne infectious diseases, by Prof. Garth Nicolson, Townsend Lett. Doctors 2007; 285: 93-98"
Well, my computer is at it again and won't allow me to copy and paste, so here goes. (are we having fun yet???
) I'm sure I'll miss a word or two, but this is some pretty important info and worth doing this:
" We and others have found that the most common co-infections with Bb are various species of Mycoplasma. Approximately 60 - 75% of LD patients also have Mycoplasma co-infections (
Mycoplasma fermentans >Mycoplasma hominis > Mycoplasma pnuenomiae, M. genitalium, M. penetrans, other species). In some cases multiple Mycoplasmal infections are present in LD patients. The presence of Mycoplasmal infections complicates the diagnosis and treatment of LD, and some of the generalized signs/symptoms found in Borrelia positive patients are found in Mycoplasma positive patients.
Like the Bb spirochete, Mycoplasmas are found at the intracellular
locations in various tissues and are only rarely found free in the blood. This can make detection difficult, and, in some patients, the appearance of Bb and various Mycoplasmas in the white blood cells can be cyclic. We recommend testing for Mycoplasmal infections in LD, using the most sensitive PCR procedures to detect DNA in the white blood cells...."
Okay, me again~
Prof. Nicholson believes that basically Doxy can get rid of a Mycoplasma infection, as can be seen at the bottom right corner of page 3 of the pdf. (although on the paper itself it reads 95)
Prof. Nicholson also believes that Mycoplasma infections are common for those in the military.
Whew! I hope that helps some!