Based on my searches, it seems that there is no definitive answer to why I sweat so easily, with even the slightest exertion. And, tons of sweat. No "night sweats" at all, only with mild exertion. Is this Lyme, Bart, Babs???
I do get the burning feet symptom, all of my life, but only while driving, my left foot gets uncomfortable and burns, or when I'm leaning on one foot and that foot starts to burn. Isn't that normal? Or is that mild Bartonella?
I was on Rifampin for 3 months last summer(a little fyi) but I tried Houtianna recently and I went right up to 30 drops twice a day within 3 days and didn't have a herx reaction. My point is this Bart thing has me really confused. Can anybody help me out?