Lyme Disease is a Center for Disease Control (CDC) Notifiable Disease. When a doctor sees a case of LD they are required to report it.
If you go to the CDC website you can print up a copy of the standards for diagnosing Lyme disease. For some people it is not helpful, but you were lucky as far as Lyme disease goes, you got the Erythema Migrans (EM) rash.
Separate issue, out of order because that's how I found it in my notes - Reasons a test may be negative, while the infection is present- and
It might be helpful to bring along a print of
"Reported cases of Lyme disease - United States, 2011" - CDC map which shows your state counts as having endemic Lyme.
CDC site - Confirmed = A case of EM with a known exposure - defined as having been (less than or equal to 30 days before onset of EM) in wooded, brushy, or grassy a county in which Lyme is endemic. (2 or more cases). A history of tick bite is not required. (I doubt there is ANY county near you without 2 cases)
Suspected = still reportable! = EM with no known exposure and no laboratory evidence of infection.
Was your EM at least 5cm? That's one of their parameters. They do say these standards are for surveillance, not diagnosis, but they can force your doc to make a correct diagnosis. Diagnosis should be LESS strict.
There's an article on the CDC site about the bullseye not being Lyme - when it's from the Lone Star Tick - but NOT for anything else as far as the article goes.
This is the CDC case definition section -
It would be very good to get your doc to make a correct diagnosis - every reported case makes a more accurate picture for researchers and policy makers. It is also important that your doc doesn't stay ignorant.
But when it boils down to it, your doc will probably not give you enough antibiotics (based on personal experience, and lots of testimony on many Lyme sites). It would be good to get started fast though. Your doc might prove helpful.
The LLMD sugestion is really important. There's lots of people on this site who can help you with leads - just post a "request for an LLMD in ... " as a new thread.