Hi Lavigne,
Welcome to our little community! I'm so very sorry for what you have been going through!
Knowing these diseases as I do, I would suggest that you start off by reading through our "New to Lyme? Start here!" thread, as it's packed full of really important information, symptom lists, and more.
Even without you reading through that thread and posting again, it definitely sounds like it's a good possibility that you have at least Lyme disease. Have you noticed any rashes? If you do, please be sure to have a pencil or a dime or quarter next to it and take a picture of it. It's much easier to show someone a picture than it is to try to describe it.
The tests that are currently available for these diseases are not very accurate, except possibly one - the Ispot for Lyme. This is a relatively new test and not many doctors are using it yet though. The other tests all test only for 4 or 5 strains of this bacteria (there are many), rely on the immune system response (which the bacteria can suppress), and not as many as we would hope can even read one properly.
If you tested positive on Bands 23- 25 - they are specific to Lyme disease and any doc worth their salt will treat based on just that and your symptoms. Band 26 is Lyme specific as well. This means that you have Lyme since you have the bands that only this bacteria can 'make positive'. So no- don't wait!
For information on finding a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor(LLMD) in your area, you can start a new thread titled something like:"Looking for LLMD
in the _______ area." Although you will need to enable your email option in your profile in order to receive any recommendations, as we don't allow doctor's names and contact info to be posted on the forum for several reasons. You can enable your email option in your profile, under 'edit profile'. Be sure to click the submit button to actually save your preference.
You can also email our long time member, Dan's Mother at:
[email protected] You can also email Stephanie at:
[email protected] You can also go to:
www.turnthecorner.org/ if you want to learn a little bit more about
Lyme Disease.
You can also go to The Lyme Disease Association and search for LLMD's 3 times in a month. You have to register first. Here is the link:
www.lymediseaseassociation.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=277&Itemid=74 You will want to find an ILADS (International Lyme And Associated Diseases Society) trained doctor, as ID Docs (Infectious Disease Doctors) believe Lyme is hard to catch and easy to treat, and don't believe in the reality of chronic Lyme. The ILADS site is another great place to read to get you started on your Lyme journey.