Thank you all for your kind help... what would I do without you...
@Roots, it helps so much not to feel alone, you are very right...
@Tickled, that's very sweet of you doing the effort of seeing your neighbour. Painkillers do nothing at all. After I got your message and had a nap, I looked up some information on cluster headaches and taking in oxygen whenever you feel it coming up seems to help a lot. Now I need to figure out how to get my hands on oxygen without having to wait weeks to get to a neurologist.
@summer16/Patty, thank you, it lasted for about 3 hours before noon and then came back in the afternoon... hope I won't get it today.
@oaklandpisces/Annie, thank you for the tip, I'll try to do it next time. I don't know if I will be able to, but I can try it when I'm having a migraine attack or other eye problems - breathing exercices can do wonders!
Thank you very much