PLEASE take the probiotic called Saccharide Boulardii for Candida. Also pair this up with a broad spectrum probiotic to support the areas S. Boulardii cant reach. The more the better. S. Boulardii is now scientifically proven to kick the crap out of yeast, but most LLMDs and Homeopaths already knew this:
For me, S. Boulardii was so powerful, it single-handedly annihilated all of my candida symptoms and I take nothing else (accept more S. Boulardii when I have flare ups).
And trust me, I tried everything for Candida at first: crushed garlic, garlic oil, coconut oil, caprylic acid, Black Walnut oil, clove oil, Core Olive Leaf, etc.
Start with 8 capsules a day for the first week, then only 2-4 capsules are needed for maintenance. Supplement your body with yogurt and Kefir and probiotic foods as well.
Edit - I forgot to mention the best part: S. Boulardii is partially resistant to your ABXs and stomach acid so it wont die as easily as regular probiotics. It also does not require refrigeration (so its easier to find a stable source).
Post Edited (vcast) : 10/20/2013 11:09:37 PM (GMT-6)