YES, If you have been exposed to mold please try to get the cholestermine, try to get it even if you have not been exposed, and do not detox well.
I had been trying to get my hands on this medication for months, after talking to a girl from Canada that had Lyme and a rare co infection fl 853 i think it was called, anyway she got better on this stuff.
The rare virus caused seizures just like mine, so i am hoping it can help.
I know mold can be a big issue as can heavy metals and co infections. For me I am not well enough right now to go after the Lyme, we are going after the mold first, I can't handle antibiotics right now, and we are waiting for the tests to come back, even though my doctor said they are only about
70 percent accurate, I figure if they catch it, that's a great thing.
In as bad shape as I am , a few weeks ago I was worse, so I can see some improvement, and I am fighting, we can't give up, many people are getting better, we just have to find what works for us.