As a LLNP, I work with a lot of very sick Lyme patients. Not only did I have chronic Lyme myself, I also fought and have been in remission from it for over 5 yrs now. It was not an easy road and I too at the beginning thought I just needed the "magic" pill or protocol to save the day. Didn't work that way.
Healing involves many facets; body/mind/ spirit. We are not one dimensional and never will be.
The people I see who stay sick even on the best protocols are the ones who cannot detach from stress or mental anguish. They have trouble connecting to their mind/spirit, therefore suffer greatly.
This applies to any illness and not just Lyme.
Working on my "inner" self got me healing quicker than the best protocol. I see it time and again in my own work and in the work of other healers.
Never give up hope on your journey. My best advice is to stop identifying yourself as someone with Lyme. Putting an enormous amount of emphasis on the illness gives it power and steam to move ahead.
Your body is a fine tuned machine and it does not "name" or diagnose what you have, it just knows it's "sick" and needs to balance to be in for a fight. Whether you're still on the "do I really have Lyme" wagon, get off. Just work on getting your body in the best fighting shape so it can fight whatever ails it.
If you have dx Lyme, again, work on building immunity and stop trying to find the "cure" for babs or bart etc....the is no one drug/herb/protocol that targets any of these, only a strong mind and body can fight them all.
Having said all this, I found this great article which talks about
releasing the "need" and learning passion and detachment. I hope you all take the time to have a read. It applies to both men and women (even though it's written in the eyes of a woman"
Post Edited (peacesoul) : 1/5/2014 6:23:25 AM (GMT-7)