I have been having issues with a lack of hunger/appetite*. It is pretty tough for me to eat anything. I have to force myself to eat on a daily basis, and I know that I'm not getting enough nutrients that my body desperately needs. And so, I finally broke down and orderd a masticating juicer. I know that the only way for me to get the nutrients needed to heal will be through my juicing large quantities of organic foods. It will be much easier for me to take daily shots of good juice rather than trying to get food down.
Last year, before I had an inkling I was suffering (for years!) with Lyme/co infections, I read a wonderful book about Dr. Max Gerson. His grandson wrote his grandfather's biography. It's an amazing read, and I strongly suggest you take a look at it. "Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless," by Howard Strauss.
With that in mind, one of the subjects he wrote extensivelly about is the Gerson diet plan, which included using a masticating juicer, and juicing organic veggies/fruits for healing the body. (He also talks about 'coffee enemas' benefits!) Through using only a natural healing protocol (no drugs**) Dr. Gerson proved hundreds of times a full recovery for patients of cancers, migraines, TB and more! So, I believe this book was brought into my life for me to know/understand how integral our diets are to our healing every ailment!
Last week I also talked with a guy who owns an organic produce/raw dairy stand at our local farmer's market. I've been shopping there for about 6 months now. I got up the nerve this past week to explain I am dealing with Lyme/co infections and will be needing large quantities of fresh, organic foods (mainly dark greens) for juicing daily...and would he be able to help me out with both the quanities and a decent price? God bless this man because he said he could give me a deal on kale. Kale!? I love kale, and this is the one green I was hoping to get! He is now selling me at $2/a pound!!!! Isn't that amazing!?
And so, my travels along this path keep changing and showing me how much I am able to do what is needed to heal. I hope that this info will give others ideas on ways to support their bodies.
*The strangest thing about my lack of appetite and not eating enough food, is that I'm not losing any weight. I wonder if this is due to my body being so ill, and my adrenals being shot? I have no idea. Thankfully, I don't need to lose/gain weight, but this just seems so odd (and a bit scary) that although I'm not eating hardly anything, my weight stays the same. I'd say on average I'm only taking in about 500 -1500 calories a day. That is not enough.
**I am NOT advocating ANYONE should, or should not use medicine for their treatment of lyme/co infections! This is just this one man's personal experience.
Everyone is different, and their needs are singular.
With lyme/co infections, it is NOT one size fits all.