Hi Tbrown2. Sorry to hear about
the tingling - I am with you in the fight and have experienced the same in both hands and feet although it is mostly in my left hand and oddly my left thumb most of the time. I have not had large doses of antibiotics so at this point I dont' know to what degree they might help. I was on a kick of B vitamins and magnesium for a while and they may have helped but I had to stop taking them for a little while for a hernia surgery - unrelated to lyme.
What I did notice is that after the surgery - I felt great (other than the localized pain of the surgery itself). The lyme crap including the tingling in the hands etc... was gone for a few days. This had to be the effect of the general anesthesia. I wish I could just go to an anesthesiologist and get a 30 minute dose of whatever that drug was every four or five days
It seems to me to be all in my brain.