Ok, to answer questions: For me personally, the best brand is Jarrow Saccharomyces Boulardii plus MOS. It has 5 billion strains, but if you're trying to avoid C. Diff., I would take it frequently throughout the day, as it does not stay in the intestines.
SLML, I don't know if you should take it or not; obviously, I'm not qualified to say. If you end up with C. Diff., that's a different matter. It depends how susceptible your immune system or intestines are to being colonized by bad bacteria, and how many probiotics you have been taking (hopefully, a lot).
S. Boulardii did not actually cure my C. Diff., it just helped to control it, and it's an excellent preventative measure if you're taking a broad-spectrum abx. It does cure some people's C. Diff. Mine was a severe and drug-resistant strain, so I had to take aggressive measures. Of all the abx I took to kill the C. Diff., I would say the Tinidazole helped the most. What also helped were a fecal transplant (sounds gross, but is done by GI doctors in major medical centers), an iodine enema done according to directions on the bottle of food-grade iodine (many people recommend Lugol's), and probiotic retention enemas.
My C. Diff. is relapsing remitting, which means it relapses occasionally. According to the doctors, anyway, the majority of cases are cured by Flagyl or Vancomycin, which makes no sense to me (taking an antibiotic to cure a disease caused by an antibiotic)? Usually, I can kick my intestines back into gear by doing the iodine enema and a probiotic called Ultimate Flora 200 billion (along with the S. Boulardii, of course).
If you can't take S. Boulardii, drink lots of Kefir, although Kefir may have S. Boulardii in it; I'm not sure.
And no, Cppoly, it should not be used only when herxing. Probiotics don"t work sporadically, but need to be used continuously. Rarely, some people don't herx, from what I've heard. Regardless of whether you herx or not, you should use probiotics as frequently as possible throughout the day (while separating them from abx by two hours).
Of any advice I would give, I would say, TAKE PROBIOTICS, any, and all kinds that are proven to be effective, and eat probiotic foods. Otherwise, your gut will be colonized by bad bacteria. Any LLMD who doesn't advise use of probiotics during use of long-term abx is unknowledgeable. Most LLMDs will require you to sign a form saying you will use probiotics during the time they treat you.
Probiotics may briefly give you diarrhea at first (especially the higher-strain probiotics), but that's ok; it's better than any of the alternatives, and there are a number of problems caused by abx.
So buy it, buy it, buy it now!! Just kidding. That last part was for Trav.