stacestar said...
I like how achieving grace put it
" an under-treated case of lyme"
exactly! I think it's strange that Dr.s don't/can't recognize that hello!, if it was never treated in the first place (as it seems I hear in a lot of stories) than why would it have ever gone away? That's just a "duh" thing to me.
And, if others did treat and there are still symptoms, again, why is it a leap to say it needs more treatment?
I feel like I say my story a lot so pardon my repetition to anyone who's heard, but in a nutshell:
in Dec., my son- to an llmd, She said lyme. Husband isn't a believer and wanted second opinion. I know he won't stop asking until we get one, so we go.
last month, our son- to our pediatrician, who to my relief and surprise (a little) says "lyme", but says 3 weeks of antibiotics are good enough, that will "get the infection".
well, I'm not about to go only three weeks on abx for him.
And, here's the thing, our pediatrician is a great guy, lives down the street from us, we see him at the neighborhood park in the summer with his two young sons; this is the same park, where deer are wondering around year round, and where my son could have got bit.
Anyway, is he telling me that if his son had lyme and had my son's symptoms and those symptoms didn't stop at the end of the three week abx period, that he'd just stop treating? That' it. Would he say " Oh, well, they worked, the pain and fatigue you have now (just days later or weeks or months) is an autoimmune response now that you'll just have to live with."! That's some serious BS.
No, I firmly believe that as a father he'd research and suddenly become a member of ILADS.
sorry, this got long. Really I just mean to say hang in there! The more I read the more I see/learn it can be a long road, but that feeling good again is possible. I hold out that hope for my son too.
Yes I think about
this all the time. I feel like the only logical conclusion you could reach, given the controversy, is to to just treat it with long term antibiotics (within reason) just to be sure.
Infectious Disease doctors hem and haw about
long term antibiotic use when it comes to lyme, but I've individually researched all the drugs I'm taking/about
to take, and scientific studies say long term use isn't bad with doxy (for acne) rifampin (for TB) or malarone (for malaria), but when it comes to lyme, it suddenly is this awful thing.
Again, I don't think antibiotics are good, but when they relieve many people of their long term symptoms, they definitely appear worth it.