A friend of a friend of mine suffering from lyme told me about
these 'natural' antibiotics she has been taking called "Bell Lyme Immune System".
She said she has already gone through 6 bottles and that this causes herxing. She swears by these pills and told me she's going to keep buying this product.
Has anybody else tried this?
I've been trying to find reviews or something, all to no avail.
These pills contain:
Red algae, maitake mushroom extract, golden seal, wood betony,
passion flower extract, prickly ash bark extract, cat's claw
I live in Canada, so I'm thinking this may be a good route to go...since I can't get 'treatment' for lyme out here.
I've called a few lyme doctors in seattle and haven't heard back from them. (And to be honest, the mixed reviews freak me out!)
Just trying to figure out where to spend my money....natural antibiotics vs....antibiotic treatment in the U.S.
I don't have a lot of money and don't want to spend it on something that won't work.
Any help or feedback would be GREAT!
Thanks guys!