Hello everyone,
I think I finally found a legit LLMD! You know what they say, 15th times a charm. He actually knows what he is talking about when it comes to Lyme. This is literally the first doctor who has! Unfortunately he still wanted to do more blood work to look for other coinfectors that were not on my IgeneX, and to help rule out other some things. So now it’s another wait while my blood is processed. I’ve waited this long, what’s another week or so? I asked him why the last two LLMD’s didn’t care about my IgeneX test. He said while the CDC always comes back negative, IgeneX always seems to come back positive. He likes to use a lab in NJ that seems to be somewhere between the two. That being said, he did not dispute my results and said I am symptomatic. How and what he will treat me with is going to depend on coinfectors though.