Posted 3/22/2014 6:36 PM (GMT 0)
Hi all,
My name is Slawomir, I am from Poland in Eastern Europe.
I've been diagnosed with lyme 14 months ago (also have bartonella, mycoplasma, chlamydia)
All my problems concerns joints. I feel horrible pain in almost all my joints when I don't take abax (when I take I barely feel the pain)
My treatment is 14 months with lots of abax (I am treating the ILADS method so I am taking many different abax, like doxycycline, minocycline, tini, ect)
I have also one disease/problem that started when all the other symphtoms of lyme (confirmed by Wester Blot test) it i's directly conneced with lyme or some coinfection
On my 3rd and 4th fingers of both hands I have some small tumors... The tumors are located on joints the ones before the last one. I was checking the CRP, OB, Anti-ccp, aso and all the results are fine, I also visited joint m.d specialist that claimed it is not the arthritis. The tumors appeard while I felt terrible pain in my joins within 3 monts... That tumors are very painfull when pressing and when moving fingers...
I had the USG of that fingers made in very good hospital in Poland and the director of that clinic claimed that from his point of wiev it's not the arthrits
The tumors appeared when lyme so I think it's connected with it
Does anybody have simmilar problem????
I would greatly appreciate the answer