Before I started treatment, I already had a long list of complaints (fatigue and exhaustion and headaches, palpitations and rapid heartbeat have been 20 year problems, then about 2 to 3 years later came the joint and bone pain, memory problems, concentration problems, problems in making sentences and finding words, numb feeling in parts of the body, brain freezes. Then about 2 years later stiff and painful muscles, eye problems, digestive problems, then a few years later they discovered food allergies/intolerances, leaky gut, heavy metal poisoning, total intestinal dysbiosis. I had irregular menstruation, some twitching.
Treatment has intensified some of these symptoms: the exhaustion has never been worse than now, joint and muscle pain, and I have more migraine and clusterheadaches (which were most of the time 'simple' headaches before). So I can say that the pain has become more severe and more persistent (longer episodes). Also, before, I could take painmeds (I always tried to avoid that as much as possible), and they would help, but that is over now, nothing seems to help.
What is new with treatment is the intense twitching, the nausea, the cramps in my diaphragm (caused by inflammation), the high inflammation that makes me swell up, painful feet (Bartonella), insomnia.
I sometimes ask myself a similar question... 20 months of treatment, and I only have a bit less joint pain (not every day, but on some days), but then other symptoms came showing up. BUT, I have a detox problem too, so it makes sense that I can't find relief. And they just discovered more coinfections. My dr said it would make lyme treatment go much better. I hope so.
I don't think it's always a herx, it can be flares too. I 'saw the light' last summer when having a serious Bartonella flare. But I'm kind of lost again in distinguishing herxes from flares. And there are also the coinfections that can show up.