I hate lyme. Stupid thing! And, when I got it was literally one time that I was kind of lax about
walking in a brushy area- usually I am so vigilant about
not going in tick areas. And I know so many people who are so casual about
their nature walks and stuff and don't have lyme. I hate it. grrr.
Okay- anyway, the good thing is I FINALLY got in with a great llmd. Finally! So grateful. Of courseI wish I had seen them right away 6 months ago when I got this awful thing. As it would have been easier. I was even on this board when I got it and still did not do the full course of antibiotics as so many suggested, wish I had.
at any rate- they told me my various symptoms are definitely lyme. ( tinnitus/fatigue/anxiety/feeling overwhelmed all the time/ pressure in ears)
They gave me some great medicines though, none of which the people I saw before ever mentioned. BTW samento and banderol were not even on the list of treatments and these other people I saw said one could cure lyme just with samento banderol- not true.
I asked the doc today if I could get totally free of lyme- and he said perhaps not totally free of it, it may linger in my body, but he can get me to where I don't even notice it- hurray!!!!! I long for that day. so grateful for this amazing doctor.
I was actually in on a last minute cancellation and so saw the natropathic doc who works with the MD doc- but the MD doc happened to be there that day and sat in on my session so I got them both!
Am I allowed to tell you guys what I am taking? I think so so here goes- I am now taking ten things!
-three types of probiotics
-active B complex
She said for up to 10 days I may have a herx reaction and feel worse, and then I should notice myself starting to feel better. I have a follow up appointment in a month.
They had my igenex lab results. They also sent me for another blood draw and I had 8 vials drawn today which ended up being not as bad as I expected.
I am devastated to know I have awful lyme I hate it so darn much. But I am also so thankful I found a lyme expert to treat me. I want to get my life back.
I have been feeling so rotten since I got this 6 months ago but was never fully sure I had it. Now I just keep hoping and thinking about how it will feel to feel better.